Help :/

I feel so bad and so like helpless as a person who cares so much about Ethan and Hila. The para social relationship is really like hitting right now. Like I care so much about them and I am not connected to them in anyway so I can't do anything to help right now and all I wanna do is help. like the beginning of the show was so telling, Hila is so done and checked out and I don't blame her at all. I'm just saying it's like so hard to see and not be able to do anything about it. It's also hard to like see them post this type of response and then the Snark people gaslight not only them, but the H3 fans into thinking like we're all insane. Like we were just having a good silly time watching our favorite show on YouTube and this whirlwind tornado of hate just like bulldozed over everything, and they're trying to tell us that we are crazy for thinking that it's even a Snark page. I know there's not a lot to do right now, but if there is anything that we can do, I would like to know.