How is Ian dodging Ethan’s wrath?

I’m reluctant to give any of the crew a pass for sticking around, because at this point, they’ve had plenty of time to find other jobs. Every single one of them folds the second Ethan disagrees with them. They constantly backtrack or fall in line, supporting his misogynistic, homophobic, and Zionist takes without question. It’s obvious they’re all terrified of him.

Ian, however, confuses me. I’ve commented before that I don’t think Ian deserves a pass either, but I’ll admit he stands out from the rest of the crew. He seems to be the only one who isn’t afraid of Ethan, and I can’t figure out how he’s managed to avoid Ethan’s usual wrath. From what I can tell, Ian chose to be off-camera, and somehow Ethan allowed it. Normally, if someone stood up to Ethan like that, I’d expect him to either fire them or spend a chunk of every episode bullying them for it.

I have to give Ian props, though—he’s literally the only person on that crew who doesn’t seem spineless or desperate to kiss Ethan’s ass.

What do you think is stopping Ian from leaving? Does he just have thicker skin, or is there something else going on?