Come on is it really enough?

So, I'm at the footprinting module in Pentesting Job Role Path, and i just can't see how going through the modules and a bit of practice in labs is enough for getting the certification or being able to do the "job". I can't just learn how to enumerate the services and exploit whatever vulnerabilities that we learned about..etc I want to get even lower than that and configure the services, run servers and build my own network, to really understand the parameters, the possible vulns that might exist through parameters that the courses don't go through, what could really go wrong? How can I make a machine that i think that it is secure enough but then find a vulnerable portal i didn't know about.

This is not only about the CPTS, I'm talking about the whole learning philosophy; So if I'm not willing to be a sys admin, it is not necessary that i go through administrative tasks, architecture designing and configuration? So what am I? A copy/paste machine with a bit of knowledge of what the vulnerability would look like? I know that the field is already full of literally everything in IT and i can't learn everything, but sticking with the command for certain scenarios that i know about is not enough for me and even the labs, i know that it is a great introduction or practice of a vulnerability, new tools and protocols, but the predefined path to pwn it spoils the fun for me. Any Thoughts or does anyone get my approach on this topic i really want to hear your opinions especially that I'm a beginner to cybersecurity? (But not IT, I'm a telecommunications engineering student)

Edit: thanks for the responses, but idk what made you think that I'm saying that copy/pasting and just going through the modules is enough so let me reformulate : THAT IS LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I'M SAYIN.