Halo Infinite MP isn’t fun
Hey guys. Been playing infinite since it dropped on steam and I have mixed feelings. The game looks good, flows really smoothly and the polish (besides all the microtransactions) is really good. I think if you’re a diehard halo fan you’ll love it, and I’m super excited for the campaign. But after my first 1-2 games on Multiplayer, I start to disliked it more and more. Here’s why:
I’m a casual halo player, who is good at Reach. Every other halo game I’m average at. I’m not some swat god or anything but I’m average. I have lost, I say maybe 75% of the 4v4 quickmatches on MP. I die so fast. When I had my squad, in a party, we did okay. But solo queuing. I swear most of the game is hiding behind cover waiting for my shields because I got cracked by some sweatlord with the magnum. It’s not fun being lit up and dying before I can even realize what’s going on. I feel like it’s competitive. Everybody uses the magnum, and you die so fast, you have to sweat so hard not to get steamrolled. A good 50% of the game is respawning, the other 25% is hiding for your shields and the rest is sweating with the magnum. If you kill one guy, you’re almost dead so his teammate will shoot you once and you’re dead. If you shoot someone in the back, they whip around and light you up and kill you before your magazine is done with the magnum. If you get shot and try to dodge into cover, you’re already dead. It’s just not fun. It’s frustrating getting lit up by sweatlords who only use the magnum and go 25-4. It’s starting to get to the point where I’m going to uninstall, because almost every game is frustrating. I wish they would balance the skill level better, or add a casual/competitive list, so that way if you just want to run some casual oddball, you didn’t have to go extreme gamer sweat mode to not get demolished. Anybody else feel this way?
I’m sure if you’re good at halo you’ll love this game and I see why. It’s really polished, and big team battle does play better. But from a casual standpoint, I don’t want to have to sweat all the time/get literally steamrolled 75% of the game.