The biggest problem I encountered with the Halo Infinite event

Hi everyone, I wanted to discuss a topic and bring it to the light because I personally haven’t seen anyone talking about it, or maybe I just am stupid and didn’t find anyone talking about it.

I have probably spent 15-20 hours alone trying to complete this event as well as the weekly + ultimate challenge, however this is a different topic and I am mainly pinpointing the event.

There are so many flaws with the event challenges, with similar yet more problems than the weekly challenges. While playing through the event challenges, they were just as tedious as the hard weekly challenges, however what made me so annoyed is that most of the time, I would have no event challenges and be forced to complete the other weekly challenges first.

There are two problems here. First of all, the weekly challenges alone could take so much time and prevent you from actually getting an event challenge. Second of all, the biggest problem, is that you don’t always have an event challenge. Why would you only be forced to progress an event with the specific challenges if you don’t always even get an event challenge? It just doesn’t make sense.

You really shouldn’t have the event challenges in the list of the weekly challenges. The whole time, I just wanted to get all the event challenges done so I can move on and stop grinding the already difficult grind of Infinite.

I think that the solution is that the event challenges should be separate from the normal Battle Pass challenges. One by one, you could complete the current event challenge alongside the current weekly challenges, and then when you finish that event challenge, as usual the next one will come in and you can again complete it with the previous challenge. It really isn’t that hard or a lot to ask for. If 343i is gonna be that greedy and not want players to have another challenge, then it doesn’t have to give XP because its purely just for the free event.

Additionally, I personally think there should be more ways to earn event tiers instead of just challenges. While playing the event, it just felt like a copy paste of the current battle pass; endless grinding from just completing nothing but challenges, aka 99% luck based and 1% skill challenges.

This change alone would make grinding the event so much more pleasant and faster since its just supposed to be an event that comes and goes multiple times for a duration of a week. I feel like however you should be able to get more tiers than 7 tiers in one week, however I mainly just wanted to address the event challenge system.

Please bring this to the light. While 343i can fix challenges and make them better, events in the future of the game can be like this current event and it’s just not fun at all for being an “event.” All rant aside, I love Halo Infinite, I haven’t felt any ounce of love or sentiment in an AAA game in forever, especially from a HALO game. I have also never been so excited and hyped for an AAA game. 343i, please know how many people are counting on you. While the XP, Challenges, and Events are so little compared to the actual game, they are so important to us as the players as it is what the majority of us will be playing for. 343i, you all have nailed every aspect of the game. Please don’t let one thing ruin everything.