First Loewe bag and I'm in love!
I went back and forth on this bag so much. I really liked the artwork on the mini puzzle in this collection, but I just didn't like the size of the mini puzzle bag. It wasn't comfortable getting things in and out. This flamenco is MUCH more useful for my needs, though I still with this had the squid or octopus on it! I'll be keeping an eye out for resellers from thus collection (octopus hammock) But I love the anglerfish illustration so much and this bag is already becoming my go-to. I just wish my old-school kindle would fit!
I'm thinking of saving up for the larger size flamenco, but that will be a while. I'm curious of anyone's thoughts on the other flamenco sizes! I love the new cloud one that'll be dropping on Thursday...
(Sorry if the color is different between the photos--I was trying to get it as close to it appears IRL, but my default camera settings were washing it out too much so I had to attempt manually!)