Put me out of my fucking misery
I hate my job, I hate my boss, my coworkers are all either related to each other or brainwashed by the boss from a young age into prefect little minions which I find brain numbing.
I’ve worked in hospitality for 9 years, been in my role for 6, and I thought I fucking hated every second of it. Until I started working here. And when you think you’ve hit rock bottom, well boys and girls I went even lower. Recently changed branches but the job is the same.
I haven’t made it a month in yet and even my double dose of anti depressants can’t numb this bullshit. I’ve been chucked in the deep end into a managerial position with no support at this new establishment, just because I had stellar references and I am a miracle worker. Here’s the keys and off you go. 10x as busy, no guidance and I come home crying myself to sleep. They treat me like shit. They fucked up my pay, I’m on less than what I was on before when I’d actually been promised a rise.
I need to find another job before I quit. But I never worked in a different industry. What can I do that’s entry level that’s not restaurants and won’t eat me alive from the inside out?
I swear there’s more to life than working a job you hate with miserable bastards until the day you die, cause let’s be real we ain’t making it to pension age. 😂 I fucking hate this.
If you saw me in real life you’d think I’m the nicest bubbliest person ever, but man I think I’m nearing a mental breakdown.