My director sent out this year’s pacing guides
Idk if this is me looking for advice or just a chance to vent but my director just sent out the pacing guide for this school year (7th grade ancient civ) and there’s just no possible to cover every topic with fidelity. Idk what to cut out and what to keep, especially because we have to give up 5 weeks every year to do a Model UN program, and in lieu of other assessments, I’m required to do DBQ Essays with the kids that, for their age, isn’t as simple as give them the documents and tell them to write.
It’s just so frustrating because he’s expecting me to rush through everything. There’s 5 other schools in my district each with their own 7th grade social studies teacher. It’s be great if we could work together but they each have 55-65 minute classes and I’m lucky if I get 45. That amount of time adds up. I had this problem last year and he told me if I was not on pace with the rest of the team next time that it would seriously look bad on me and my evaluations