Quang San art museum

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to discover this museum, hidden away in a back alley in Thảo Điền. Out of all the museums and art galleries that I have visited in Saigon, this is by far the best curated. I am very surprised that this museum is not advertised at all in any guides or tours.

It has a very interesting permanent exhibition, showing classic and modern Vietnamese paintings both pre and post war. It also does a lot of temporary exhibitions. And it is surrounded by a beautiful garden that overlooks the river that is well worth a walk.

The entry price at the time was 100k, plus another 100k for the temporary exhibition that was being shown. In case you want to check it out (and I think you should): https://quangsanartmuseum.com.vn/tac-pham-tieu-bieu/tang-tret

And the whole place has aircon! :D