How do you get a good balance with your glove?

By this I mean how do you get it to stay open wide but still close it nicely? after 4 months of trying to find why I couldnt properly close my glove, I’ve finally figured out it was because I was putting my hand too far up into the glove (because it’s too big for me and the thumb strap is over top my whole thumb if I don’t push it in super far. Also can’t get a smaller glove cause my current is already a junior glove so I can’t go down to a youth)

I tie it and also stretch it open but I found that if I stretch it open, it stiffens up super quick and if I tie it down, it goes into that skinny shape instead of staying open super quickly. Like as in I’ll stretch it open between games and practices, then I try to close it and I can’t. So I’ll tie it up right before I leave the house and put it in my bag then when I untie it to put it on, it’s already in the skinny shape. i have games on Saturdays and practices on mondays.