Teaching the 7 year olds to rip it

I feel like I've hit a wall trying to teach my U8s how to shoot and I'm turning to the internet for advice.

This is my third season with these kids. I've generally focused on the same shooting basics I was taught: old timey wrist shots, weight transfer, follow-through, etc. My additional focus for them was SHOOTING QUICKLY (even if your setup isn't perfect), which they generally did.

They generally did really well shooting the last two years...but that was mostly against part-time goalies who just sort of stood there and occasionally fell down. This year we're in the top U8 division in our league, and we're actually facing full-time goalies (weird to me at this age but whatever) who have pads that fit and are actually doing things like the butterfly.

My kiddos are really struggling to beat this new level of goaltending, and I'm struggling to find ways to help them improve their shots. Mainly, they just need to be able to elevate the puck without flipping it, which, it turns out, is a lot harder than I remembered.

Anyone have any useful drills or coaching tips to help us out? We usually have a goalie and 7-8 skaters on a third or half ice.