The More I Think About It, Götterdämmerung Should Have Been A Full Research Rework

Genuinely when you think about it, they keep adding more and more to the research tree, but we're still stuck on the 5 cap for slots. They add an entire new set of 4 buildings to add on "special project research speed" and breakthroughs. These buildings are not cheap, they take away from building everything else and focusing quite a bit of time and literally resources in construction then after, development.

Honestly these buildings should have been tied to overall research speed, and the research trees should have been reworked so you assign scientists to a general group of techs, and their specialties determining what grows the most.

Everything running at a passive speed, specialties faster and possibly specialties assigning a negative speed to non relevant techs in the group.

Breakthroughs would remain similar, assigning a boost to a random (or selected) tech after a set amount of time based on researcher skill.

Add a mechanic to assassinate researchers with the spies.

Remove special projects entirely, in favor for extending the research tree into early cold war years. That or rework all of the research options as is, an idea even breaking down ones like artillery -> bores, ammunition, frames, etc.

Locking the super weapons to either a decision, a scientist specialty trait, or keep it similar with waiting on a breakthrough.

The more I think on it, the more I'm pissed we didn't get a rework for this dated and barely a game mechanic Paradox calls research. The most interactivity you have is figuring out what you want to go for first or specialize in with MP. It's been long overdue that this game needs a 2.0 update similar to Stellaris, with the Navy still being dogshit. But at this point I'm just hoping on HOI5