RK Siberia Official Teaser! | The Eternal Black Sun
In 1985, the world lies fractured after a devastating World War II. The Axis Powers have triumphed over the Allies, securing their dominance in their respective regions. Germany, Japan, and Italy have drifted apart, each forging their own path while the Americas and Russia are left as fractured states, remnants of their former selves.
The Age of Bio-Weaponization Has begun A catastrophic virus emerges, bringing global progress to a standstill. The virus spreads rapidly, halting developments and advancements across nations. The world’s powers must navigate the challenge of containing, weaponizing, or controlling the virus while managing increasingly hostile relations with former allies.
The Eternal Black Sun offers a mod with deep, Real Dark, expanded lore and an engaging gameplay experience that will keep you on your toes. Shape this fractured world and alter history—whether for better or for worse is up to you.
Join us: https://discord.gg/gtv889fWGM
In 1985, the world lies fractured after a devastating World War II. The Axis Powers have triumphed over the Allies, securing their dominance in their respective regions. Germany, Japan, and Italy have drifted apart, each forging their own path while the Americas and Russia are left as fractured states, remnants of their former selves.
The Age of Bio-Weaponization Has begun A catastrophic virus emerges, bringing global progress to a standstill. The virus spreads rapidly, halting developments and advancements across nations. The world’s powers must navigate the challenge of containing, weaponizing, or controlling the virus while managing increasingly hostile relations with former allies.
The Eternal Black Sun offers a mod with deep, Real Dark, expanded lore and an engaging gameplay experience that will keep you on your toes. Shape this fractured world and alter history—whether for better or for worse is up to you.
Join us: https://discord.gg/gtv889fWGM