How do I keep my mortgage payment under control?

I bought my house in Nov 2022 at a 6.625% interest rate - not great, I know. But the house was a steal at the price. Over the last two years, the tax assessment has gone up from 715k to 800k and the property taxes from $8100 to $9200. Our homeowners insurance has also shot up. As a result of this, our mortgage payment (in escrow alone) has increased over $250 a month over the last two years.

I had a couple questions about this:

* Why are the property taxes going up more than the tax assessment? (13% increase vs 11% increase)

* How can I keep my homeowners insurance under control? It's gone up $800 over the last two years as well. Do I really have to just keep switching companies every 2 years?

* What the heck is up with the increase in the mortgage payment? A $250 increase per month indicates a $3000 increase per year, but our property taxes ($1100) and home insurance ($800) only indicate a $1900 change.

Edit: I live in northern VA