Need help ID’ing movie from memory…
So, this may be a tough one or a nyquill fever dream I had when I was sick as a kid. So, the story is, I remember a movie vividly or parts of it from when I was a kid in the late 80s/early 90s and it always just pops up in my mind or I have dreams about it here 35 years later or so. I was really sick as a kid with walking pneumonia a lot. I remember having it and being over at my granddad’s and sleeping off and on his couch that weekend sick. My slightly older cousins were staying over at the time too. I was in and out of sleep with a fever. What I remember is waking up and my cousins were watching a movie with monsters or creatures in it. I remember something getting its hand caught in a door and the digits coming off and hitting the ground then turning into other little creatures and running off. I remember there being somewhat colorful creatures in the movie. Just something about them getting hurt and splitting into more creatures or something. I didn’t see much more than that. It was super late and I fell back asleep. It had to be very late at night and I’m not sure if it was on cable TV at the time or a rented vhs or something. It might have been late 80s or early 90s. I was just telling a friend about this memory and thought I should finally track down the movie. This ring any bells with anyone? Or was it a fever dream?