Can someone explain the appeal of Terrifier?

I mean absolutely no disrespect with this question. I'm genuinely curious from an informational standpoint. I watched the first one tonight and I want to know what I'm missing about why so many people like it.

I realize that this might sound super sarcastic but I'm really so genuine lol. I feel like I need to know to slot it into my mental rolodex of 'reasons people consume and create horror,' even if it's not for me. I love the genre to pieces and I need all the information.

Before anyone asks, yes, I've watched my fair share of horror movies. I don't discriminate on sub genres. I'm not big on torture porn but I'll happily watch slashers and the like. I see this recommended here all the time, and my roommate's girlfriend was gushing about the series, which is why I watched it. But I feel like gore is usually contained within the plot. It might be excessive, or the movie might be made to showcase the gore, but there's at least a veneer of a story, even if the story is 'sex bad' or 'violence senseless.'

In this case the story is... a bunch of girls are gruesomely murdered in fairly mundane ways. Is it really just the gore that's appealing? Are the second and third movies, for lack of a better word, more? I'd love to know what's so captivating about the series.

EDIT: These are a lot of great responses, thank you :) I got my answer for how it fits into the larger horror genre so I'm satisfied. I'll probably get around to watching the second one at some point.