Saw The VVitch (no spoilers in OP)
Saw an advance screening in Glasgow's Film Theatre with a special intro by Kate Dickie and Ralph Ineson last Friday.
The quick and dirty video (vertical shot in a hotel in LA - she was due to make personal appearance in Glasgow but date clashed with LA premiere) was quite insightful - they revealed they had a week together before filming in a hotel, to build that bond as a family. And then when they started filming, in the words of Ralph Ineson, they worked on pulling that family apart...
The film itself was horror. It wasn't a film pretending to be a horror, a thriller with jump scares, a period piece with dark undertones - it was a straight up, unsettling, unrelenting, diabolical and malevolent horror.
It was beautifully shot, and the set design was excellent and periodically apt (the director had spent five years researching). This also means the dialogue was period apt, which could make it difficult to understand at times (from the younger three children mostly), but not that it detracted from the film.
I don't think I'll watch it again. It was done well, but almost too well. I was uncomfortable all the way through, and I like horror. I don't have any friends who enjoy the genre enough that I could recommend it, so I came here to pass the word. Hopefully I'm not bigging it up, and not everyone will like it, but yeah, it's worth seeing.
And good news, the film doesn't taper off towards the end as some horrors do, or end up ruining everything that has come before.
Go vvatch it!