I wanna hear your house plant hot takes 😏

This is not to start drama at all, so plz everyone be nice to eachother! Just a silly light hearted prompt for discussion 🥰

I’ll start:

  • Swiss Cheese plant (Monstera Adansonii) I know is popular but it’s kinda uggo to me. The leaves are so flaccid and they always look sad.

  • Hoyas are the best houseplant. You can’t tell me those chubby leaves and forbidden snack flowers aren’t the best!

  • Any house plant can be easy to care for if you do your research and buy correct supplies. Obviously there’s still dramatic plants and mistakes, but I find you can be a beginner and make any plant thrive, just read!

  • This is actually not a hot take in this sub but I thought I’d throw it in here 🤪 NO PLANT IS LOW LIGHT. Sure some can tolerate it, just like I can tolerate lactose but it doesn’t mean im off the hook for having horrible diarrhea that evening.

  • Not to be that girly but using your intuition to know when to water your plants is much better than a watering schedule.