My breath is SO bad. Please help!
I (22F) have had bad breath for as long as I can remember. I remember kids in elementary school telling me I had bad breath and it never went away. I've been insecure about it my whole life but even more now that I am older. I think the people in my life have kind of maybe ignored it, put up with it, or gotten used to it idk because no one ever really says anything. I remember when I was younger I used to be terrified of my teeth falling out, going to the dentist, and when I brushed my teeth my gums would bleed which freaked me out so idk if that had an effect on my oral hygiene growing up.
Anyway, I think the issue is getting worse as I age and I am going into a career where I am going to basically have to start talking to lots of people all day every day and I am afraid that I am going to make someone uncomfortable or that someone will say something to me about my breath. When people talk to me I barely open my mouth to speak or keep my replies very short, which I'm starting to think people interpret as rude, and I tend to chew about 5 or 6 pieces of gum a day depending on what I'm doing or how often I'm coming in contact with people.
Before you guys give any advice, tips, or recommendations I'll tell you what I have tried so that you guys don't waste any time. I have tried brushing day and night (for 2 minutes), I have tried oil pulling, I have tried flossing at night, I have tried therabreath mouthwash, I have tried the waterpik (and flossing at the same time), I have tried using mouthwash before brushing my teeth instead of after, I have tried drinking more water (in case the problem is from dry mouth), I have tried tongue scraper (both the scraper and the tongue brush). When it comes to the tongue scraper it is sometimes very hard for me to use because I have a terrible gag reflex. I would also like to note that even when my mouth feels fresh I tend to still taste that I have bad breath in the back of my throat when I swallow or clear my throat. I do not see any visible tonsil stones when looking at the back of my throat and I have never seen one come out. I know this was long but I really appreciate anything you guys have to say and please be kind, it is already extremely embarrassing posting this even being anonymous :(