Press a button every 2 hours every day and get $100 each time
You are offered the opportunity to partake in a challenge.
A button is installed in your bedroom in your house. Every two hours, you must push the button. A siren and flashing lights will go off five minutes beforehand alerting you that you need to press it. Every time you push the button you get $100 (or equivalent in your currency). You can only push the button once in a two hour period.
You must push the button every two hours every day. This essentially means you have to wake up every two hours while sleeping. You would not be able to leave your house for more than two hours at a time. It would be difficult to get a job outside your house. The button cannot be moved from your bedroom, meaning you could not move house or take it with you while out.
Only you can push the button. You cannot get someone else to do it or set up a robot/device to do it automatically. If at any point you fail to push the button, the challenge ends. The button is disabled. You can no longer collect money, however you will keep the money already earned.
What is your plan? Is it an absolute “no way”? Would you aim to do it for a few weeks/months to get a decent sum then stop? Or would you aim to do it indefinitely?