A magical figure appears and offers you a very interesting proposition…
A magical figure appears and offers you 3 choices. You can only pick one. You cannot change the terms after so you have to live with it until the day you die. You will never see this being again, no matter what magical tomes you read.
A.) Eternal life, with your choice to die when you see fit.
However, your death will be excruciatingly painful and though it only lasts for a couple seconds, to YOU it will feel like a years worth of agony. It will feel like you’re being tortured in hell by Satan himself.
B.) You can time travel to any point in time, past present or future. You will be immune to all diseases that exist. You will keep your current money and be given enough for at least 6 months of living expenses.
However, your life span will remain the same, so if you were gonna die at 30 then you’ll die at 30 regardless. No way around it. You can take 1 person with you and can’t come back to the present ever. You will not be reborn when your parents decide to have a baby, a new one will be generated. You will have no family outside of the 1 person.
C.) Nothing, The magical figure respects your cautiousness. It leaves you with 1 month worth of bills in your current currency and disappears.