What would it take for you to become/stay an American?

Non-Americans: You (and your immediate family if they want) will move to the United States. You must apply for citizenship, pass the US citizenship test, renounce your current citizenship(s), sell or give away all foreign assets, and can never return to your home country or attempt to get citizenship or residence of any other country. If you're an immigrant/claim more than one home country, whichever would have the biggest negative impact on you is the one you can't visit. You may travel internationally for up to 30 days per year. The restrictions only apply to you; anyone you bring with you only has to apply for and pass the citizenship test (you all are guaranteed citizenship as long as you pass).

Americans: You must renounce any non-US citizenship(s), sell or give away all foreign assets if you have any, never attempt to move to or get citizenship or residence of any other country, or travel to your top 5 foreign countries (they know what they are so you can't bullshit this). You may travel internationally for up to 30 days per year.

American expats: Same as Americans except your immediate family is guaranteed citizenship exactly like with the Non-Americans if they don't already have it. You are also prohibited from visiting your country of residence in addition to your top 5 foreign countries.

How much money (or something else) would it take for you to accept?