A genie offers you twelve ways to improve the world. Which three do you take

So you eat a really bangin' edible, and a genie appearance to you. He's a very shroomy and kind genie, as you'd expect. He gives you the choice of any three of the following 12 options to improve the Earth. Which will you pick and why.

First 100 response results at the bottom.

1 : All currently active and dormant conflicts are instantly resolved as fairly as is possible, and the sides agree to abide by the resolution. This doesn't stop new conflicts from occurring. It only includes conflicts involving >10,000 people, not petty feuds etc.

2 : Global warming and deforestation caused by humanity since 1700 is reversed. If the forested land is now somewhat populated, the trees grow in the unpopulated bits.

3: You may wipe three infectious diseases of your choice off the planet.

4: Nuclear weapons cease to exist, as does the ability to make them, the technology simply no longer works.

5: Addiction no longer occurs. This includes both physical withdrawal, and the dopamine mechanism behind severe psychological addiction.

6: Biting insects no longer bite humans.

7: You may revive ten extinct species, with no unforeseen ill effects. This includes other species of hominid.

8: Power generation by nuclear fusion is achieved and economically viable.

9: Organised religion ends. People just stop believing in God(s), divinity of ancient texts, etc etc. General spirituality remains, for those who wish to keep it.

10: China, Russia, North Korea and Iran become stable and moderately liberal democracies (think Poland). They are not particularly aligned to anyone.

11: All cancers now grow at half their previous rate.

12: Sexually transmitted infections vanish. This only includes those which are most typically spread sexually.

1: 12%
2: 71.5%
3: 9.5%
4: 21%
5: 20.5%
6: 16%
7: 7%
8: 64.5%
9: 42%
10: 23%
11: 7%
12: 6%

Global cooling, fusion and atheism taking a heavy lead.