You're offered a credit card that works by taking 1 cent from as many people's bank accounts as is needed to pay for the purchase. Do you take it?
Everyone's bank accounts, including your owns, is taken from randomly. During 1 transaction, no one will be charged more than once unless your purchase is big enough that every single person's bank account has been charged.
Banks accounts of companies and the very rich are equally likely to be taken from as any other bank account. People do notice a transaction of 1 cent that can't be disputed. You can withdraw from accounts that are in overdraft if the bank allows it and the person will be charged accordingly. You can put a person's bank account into overdraft as well and the person will have to pay fees.
There's no way to trace the transactions back to you so you won't face legal repercussions. Do you take the card? If so how often, if ever do you use it?