Make 20 consecutive free throw shots for $1 million, but you can't leave until you've met the goal.

You are offered a challenge. If you can make 20 consecutive basketball free throw attempts, you will be awarded $1 million. However, you may not leave the court until you achieve this goal.

  • The free throw attempts are to be made according to NBA regulations, on an NBA sized court. The attempts are to be made solely by you and unassisted in any way. You may not modify anything about the ball, hoop, backboard, etc. You must retrieve the ball yourself after every shot.

  • You are alone and locked into the basketball court with absolutely no means of escape. After accepting the challenge, you may only leave by achieving the goal.

  • You may bring nothing but the clothes you are wearing with you into the court.

  • Food and water will be provided to you as long as you are locked in the court. If you need to sleep, you will be given a pillow and a blanket. You will sleep on the hardwood floor.

Are you game?