You can choose any power from four choices. Which one would you choose and why?
One Second Sleep - You close your eyes for one second and immediately receive the rejuvenating effects of eight hours of sleep on both your mind and your body. However, you can never sleep normally ever again.
Brain Speed - For as long as you want to, you can slow down time to a near-standstill, but this slow down includes your body. The only thing that remains unaffected is your mind, granting you a TON of time to think.
Super Memory - You will never be able to forget anything you've perceived in some manner at least once. If you choose this power, you will also remember every single thing you've forgotten, all the way back to when your brain first formed in your mum's womb.
Glutton - No matter how much you eat, your body will only ever absorb as much nutrients as it needs to operate, but may change depending on your lifestyle. Everything else is just sent down the drain.