IRacing data emulator
So I am currently building an app for telemetry overlays that should work in VR since I couldn’t find any free way of doing it and I don’t wanna pay for the whole racelab suit and only use 1 feature…anyway the thing is I need an app or a project the simulates iRacing data since I am sometimes working from laptop and don’t have access to iRacing live data and tbh even on my pc I don’t wanna fire up the sim everytime I am trying to do a quick test….my first though was to record a bunch of data with witeshark and build the emulator myself but I decided to ask here first since I have a lot on my plate and don’t wanna bother with that too….so if u guys know any old or active repository or app or whatever that emulates random telemetry data in the same format as iRacing would be lovely for me. Thanks 🙏