Does it ever fully click?
I’m at end of second year apprenticeship, 4th term. I came into the field pretty green, a degree in marketing. I enjoy doing electrical, the satisfaction of a finished task is like non other.
There are days though when I’m like ok I’m getting the hang of this, then other days I’m like what the hell am I doing or not understanding certain things.
Today worked with a new journeyman and was running some EMT and I just felt dumb and slow lol. He would ask for certain measurements and at times I would be confused exactly what he was asking or what angles he needed. He got somewhat frustrated which then I get frustrated at myself for not knowing right away the answers.
Have any of you finally experienced when it “clicks” and you feel confident in doing certain tasks?
I know I have 3 years to go in the apprenticeship but man sometimes it feels scary knowing I’ll be a journeyman lol.