What was the moment it(ibs) started for you?

If you can recall the exact cause/event/story of how ibs entered your life.

Edit: I will share my story.

Childhood for me was fantastic, no major health issues, let alone chronic GI issues. One fine day I go to school and out of nowhere an urge to hit the toilet starts. Me being only 10(or 11) was embarrassed to go to the toilet and had never before had to have a bowel movement from school.

In addition to the embarrassment of going to toilet as a kid, the condition of the washroom (in terms of cleanliness compared to the washroom at my house) probably added to the aversion. It got more severe during the school hours and I was longing of getting to the comfort of my home. It was kind of different from a normal bowel urgency (I am unable to articulate how).

Anyways, I was literally crying and when the vehicle that took me home from school, was maybe about 200 m or less from my home, I could keep it in no longer and I pooped my pants. I was embarrassed beyond anything that had happened before. I reached my home and cleaned myself up, changed my clothes and went to lay on my bed crying.

From that day onwards, life changed, ibs was a thing. Bloating, pain , cramps, flatulence what not had invaded my life and it became the "norm". I forgot what happiness felt like, I used to be highly social, extroverted and happy before the onset of ibs. Now I'm introverted, socially anxious and now that I have almost reached the end of my teenage and I am now in college.

You could think about how the lack of social interactions would have effected my life at this age from relationships to everything else. I had to sacrifice the great colleges I got admission into, and settle for a small college near my hometown as staying away from home is a nightmare for me. Ibs cost me everything: my love, my career and my happiness.

Edit 2: I am going to post of my ibs origin story in a mew post as well, I wish someone would be able to connect the dots and suggest a solution.