Anyone else get pain throughout all areas of there stomach?
Been having this issue for a month now, had gotten a CT Scan and they told me everything was fine except my colon seemed a little larger than normal like inflammation but they basically said I’m fine.
But I keep having random sharp stabbing pains typically around where my colon follows and I just can’t believe “nothing” is wrong with me.
Been told it’s due to stress, diet, and water intake. But I’ve been a bodybuilder for years and have always had a strict healthy diet and piss like a camel because of how much water I drink. Obviously since all this started I had to stop the gym due to the pain and I’m losing weight because I can barely fucking eat.
What the hell the deal? I keep getting randomly constipated with gas, and use the restroom like 10 times a day very little bits at a time. Never a full stool. I don’t know what else to do. I have to leave the country in 15 days and worried about these problems since it’s been a little over a month already.