The problem with all Indians abroad

I was born-and-brought-up in India, completed my Bachelors, worked for 3 years, and then emigrated to the US, and I've lived in the US for 17+ years now.

I've myself been a perpetrator of, all-the-while complaining about how Indians are ill-treated outside of India.

Until one day a US-born white-american co-worker of mine enlightened me.

Almost all Indians, somehow, lack "Social Awareness". It's a pretty broad concept, and I must admit, I somewhat agree with that co-worker of mine.

  • First-and-foremost, stop being "Entitled". There are no Achievements. Moving abroad isn't an Achievement. People back in India, Uncles-and-Aunts, and Cousins, don't necessarily look-up to you, or feel jealous and stuff. Or may be yes, but that shouldn't change anything about you. Getting that girlfriend abroad isn't an Achievement, neither a dream-come-true ! It's just Life !!
  • Speak simple and basic English, basic grammar - conjunctions and prepositions. Learn to put a word to how you feel. 5 year-olds are taught in abroad to express "how they feel". In India, we grew-up never being able to express our feelings, ever. We were always shunned, and the rat-race for good grades or that awesome salary, and this Onsite job were all ambitions, and that is all what we grew-up with. Have to step-out of that limiting mindset and begin learning to stay grounded.
  • Nobody is a friend, and nobody is an enemy abroad. Everyone only minds their own business. But, people are mostly still polite. Be Polite ! And succinct. Don't reveal your personal info, don't ask for any personal info, and stay out of politics. Etiquettes and Manners matter the most ! Be prepared and always ready to embrace the new culture abroad, but you don't have to give-up on your traditions and values either.
  • No. That white-girl isn't just going to say Yes to you, for whatever that is you had asked her for - a date, a hug, a kiss. Doesn't matter to her. Time-and-again the previous wave of Indian immigrants ruined it all for us. They were all Momma's boys, and now all the girls abroad no longer trust us. It's a tough battle to break / disprove the stereotype. You've got to have Game ! Look good, clean, tidy, professional, and serious commitment. Girls abroad have lost their virginity before they turned 18, and here you are, still a virgin at 25+. It's not a competiton ! Stop looking at it as a competition !!
  • Engage, and participate in Sports and Gym. Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton whatever suits you well. Stay healthy and fit. Try and be an interesting person to yourself first ! Scout for that long-term white girlfriend possibly in broad-daylight, when the sun is shining bright, not in closed spaces between 4 walls but rather in the open. Indugle in suitable hobbies, volunteering.

Most important of all - as the saying goes, "Be a Roman, in Rome". Don't bring your upbringing, and your India with you, in your flight abroad. Be an Indian in the comfort of your privacy. But stop exposing your Indian-ness in Public.