We tested paneer in my India's top college mess

Paneer was tested with iodine as many students complaint about it being taste weird and not like paneer then we tested the paneer ourselves and paneer turned BLACK or DARK BLUE pointing it is fake adulterated paneer but when we complaint it to authorities they said """ Dear students Tested paneer is already deepfired. So just layer of oil is burnt. Process of testing is not authenticate """

Is it true that cooked paneer is tested positive bc of it is cooked??

Paneer was tested with iodine as many students complaint about it being taste weird and not like paneer then we tested the paneer ourselves and paneer turned BLACK or DARK BLUE pointing it is fake adulterated paneer but when we complaint it to authorities they said """ Dear students Tested paneer is already deepfired. So just layer of oil is burnt. Process of testing is not authenticate """

Is it true that cooked paneer is tested positive bc of it is cooked??