Got these products from Lamel to try out this brand and I AM IMPRESSED!!!!

Products: 1. Lamel Dewy cream blush - Hot Lava 2. Lamel comfort lip care oil - strawberry 3. Lamel skin clarifying foundation - Neutral 403

BLUSH Guys. It is P.I.G.M.E.N.T.E.D. I have never used Rare beauty but its like what I've seen in the reels. You put too much and you're fucked. Just a little, tiny drop will tint your cheek so well that you'll cry. I wanted Tea Rose because I thought that would suit my skin tone but Hot Lava is great too! It blends easily and leaves a natural finish, doesn't patch and lasts 5-6 hours easily ( under compact powder) I still want Tea Rose tho.

FOUNDATION It is because of my absolute genius that I can never choose a correct shade for my skin tone that I got shade Neutral 403 which is little fair for me to be used as a foundation but I bought it to be used as a skin tint (mixed with moisturiser) so this shade works just fine for me thatvway. This leaves a glow on my face and one cannot tell i have done makeup which is just what I go for! So i love the foundation too.

LIP OIL I saved the best for the last. Because guys!!!!! GET THIS. This is so good!! Such intense hydration at such good price. I will be sticking these up when i find these on sale again. I stand by my Victoria secret glosses slander because this provides just the same at much lower price!

For me, the worth of a product is by the price I paid for it. The prices you can get on Lamel (on discounts) are absolutely worth the quality they provide. The packaging looks premium and the products are imported.