Skincare as a (19f)🧼
I have a combination skin Morning skincare routine 1) 🎀swipe my face with simple micellar water for gentle cleansing 2)🎀 follow it up with bioderma atoderm cream 3) 🎀episoft sunscreen in winters And requill in summers 4) 🎀chaptex on lips
Nightime 1) 🎀wash my face with bioderma face wash and just moisturise and use vaseline on lips
🩵Special mention :I use 2.5% benzol peroxide gel for my whiteheads on nose and chin 4 times a week at night
I have a combination skin Morning skincare routine 1) 🎀swipe my face with simple micellar water for gentle cleansing 2)🎀 follow it up with bioderma atoderm cream 3) 🎀episoft sunscreen in winters And requill in summers 4) 🎀chaptex on lips
Nightime 1) 🎀wash my face with bioderma face wash and just moisturise and use vaseline on lips
🩵Special mention :I use 2.5% benzol peroxide gel for my whiteheads on nose and chin 4 times a week at night