Delhi High Court reiterates that two wheelers are not allowed on NHs & Ex0ressways; Deems it unsafe

Interesting points of the judgements: ~ 'This prohibition (slow moving vehicles in "high speed corridors ")is instituted primarily to ensure the safety of all road users and to maintain the operational efficiency and speed consistency on these expressways.' ~ 'It is explained that due to the inherent risks associated with the blend of high-speed vehicles and slow-moving ones, certain vehicles, including but not limited to two-wheelers, three- wheelers, tractors, and animal-drawn vehicles, are not allowed on these expressways' Interesting to note that this was a conjoint litigation; conjointly filed by a motorcycle enthusiast (which one of y'all was it xD) Article link: (if it's paywalled look up W.P.(C) 15392/2024 at

Interesting points of the judgements: ~ 'This prohibition (slow moving vehicles in "high speed corridors ")is instituted primarily to ensure the safety of all road users and to maintain the operational efficiency and speed consistency on these expressways.' ~ 'It is explained that due to the inherent risks associated with the blend of high-speed vehicles and slow-moving ones, certain vehicles, including but not limited to two-wheelers, three- wheelers, tractors, and animal-drawn vehicles, are not allowed on these expressways' Interesting to note that this was a conjoint litigation; conjointly filed by a motorcycle enthusiast (which one of y'all was it xD) Article link: (if it's paywalled look up W.P.(C) 15392/2024 at