I am panicking. Please help.

I used a PC from 2007-2014. During that time, I had a girlfriend for a few years, with whom there were constant nudes being exchanged. All of of those were stored in the PC, since the medium of communication was facebook on the PC & I simply downloaded it.

I got a laptop in 2015 & the PC was packed and dumped in the garage. I left home in 2018 for work, and today realised the news.

My father just sold that CPU to a shopkeeper nearby for 1k. Now I'm panicking what if he gets access to those stuff. I am not in touch with that girl since long now, 2015 to be precise. Plus she's married.

Please suggest if I get back the CPU somehow, how can I retrieve that data? I have no idea where the data is stored in old PCs. Is there a way to remove that very component or simply destroy it?

Edit: Thank you for the ideas & concern guys. Father got the hdd back, I'll drill holes into it when I'm home.