Help! Really struggling with interior paint
Hi all, we’re in the midst of getting some work done to a midcentury we just bought and we’re really struggling with paint colors and what to paint.
Painting is scheduled to start Wednesday so we’re under the gun now to make decisions. For reference, the floors are the middle of being refinished now. They’re a red oak and we’re doing a natural matte finish, so they’ll be lighter than the original floors in the photos.
What we’re currently thinking is a warm off-white for the walls including the brick wall in the dining room. The brick fireplace will stay as is.
The beams are painted (aside from one vertical and one horizontal) a poopy brown as I call it. The window trim and one dining room built-in bookshelf are painted the same color. We’d like to paint all but no idea on the color.
Additionally, we’ve considered painting the tongue and groove ceiling the same off-white as the walls. We know painting those ceilings is considered sacrilege for many but the yellow stained pine is overwhelming.
Our first choice would be getting the ceiling and beams all sandblasted and then stained but that would extend outside of our budget and timeline.
Seeking any and all advice!
Side question: if we did paint the interior ceiling and beams, would it look ridiculous if we didn’t paint where they extend on the exterior?
TL;DR What color should we paint the walls, ceiling and beams? Or should we leave the ceiling and/or beams as is?