I found the key to understanding others!!!

I found that it's extremely easy for me to for me to think someone is inferior when I think they are "wrong". I believed that there are things that are straight up wrong when it's on itself, such as murder or stealing. But when someone steals food to provide for their family are they wrong? Or when someone fights a war in what they believe is right? Is there right and wrong? Right and wrong seems so much more subjective now rather than objective. I noticed this when I told my mom that I just don't understand other people and think they are wrong. I didn't trust most people simply because they seem wrong. My enfj mom told me about her way of thinking. She thinks that we have to trust people that they are doing their best even though they may be "wrong". All of a sudden, I felt like a villain, the next hitler. I felt guilty. Hitler believed in wiping out Jews, which he thought was the right choice. I can't just assume others are wrong without trying to get to know them. Afterwards, I tried not just analyzing everybody around me and judging them, but I also tried to understand them and trust them. Trust is the key. I found out that if I initiate trusting others, they will generally trust me back. When I get to know people better, it really allowed me to understand others more. Just figured to share this with y'all.