How many of us write/journal/etc?
I was just reflecting on how i have consistently journaled for about 28 months now, because I accepted the times and got myself a special journal. The journal is an e-ink device, the supernote a5x, and I have used it every day.
I've had a pretty rough life, but being able to write has helped me over come much of the struggles I have faced. As a child (7-8) I realized that reading philosophy would help me understand the momentum of the world I was born into. I am glad I did that at such a young age, because now that I am 30, I have proven to be quite formidable and kind.
The specific reason why I chose to spend some $500 on an e-ink journal, is because I wanted the feeling of writing, since I write nice cursive, and the compact portability that is not offered by multiple journals, all at once.
Before this though, I had a medium sized moleskin and I write cursive :)