Introverted or just flat out antisocial. The question I keep going over in my head is *not* "how do you make friends?" but rather, "why would you want friends?"

I don't hang out with anyone after work, ever. I mean that, outside of work I'm 99.99% alone. I watch movies and take naps.

I have a high sex drive, so I feel myself wanting a relationship, so I go through the thought of "I should probably get a few friends before I start looking for a relationship though". Because I don't want to just spring my isolated life at somebody unexpectedly and I don't want to just use somebody for sex. - "hi welcome to my life, I have zero friends and visitors. I go to work and then I lay down for hours and scroll reddit".

But I arrive at my second thought "what would I do with friends?"

I'm nice to people, I'm kind, I help out when I can if someone is need, but outside of that, I get close to zero stimulation from socializing.

Let me be clear, I'm torn over this, I'm so sad about it. It's like watching myself and realizing that I'm missing something very important. I want to enjoy hanging out with people, I want to feel the desire to have friends but I just don't have that.