issues with my computer recognizing my ipod

i have a 4th generation classic (mono) that i've flash modded. i've been using a cf to micro sd adapter. its a dual-card one, but i only have one micro sd inserted. i dont know if that means anything but i thought it might be making my computer angry lol

i also just reattached that headphone jack ribbon cable (i don't remember the actual name) to the guts in the back casing.

basically, 2-3 weeks ago, i flash modded my ipod with a CF card, installed rockbox, had a great time. itunes recognized my ipod, so did windows, I had no issues whatsoever. I hooked up the adapter, reconnected the cable, and now i'm getting literally nothing but error messages from itunes, rockbox, and windows.

i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it's probably the cheap adapter that's been causing the issues, but I wanted to just double check with yall that there isnt some random troubleshooting I could do before buying another flipping part