Fine for no car tax/NCT from county council?
I was having lunch with my daughter in a cafe in kilcullen today and spied a guy across the road who looked like a traffic warden taking pictures of a car parked on the street, then seemed to issue a notice/fine and put it on the windscreen. Thought it was strange as there is no paid parking in kilcullen. He crossed the street and passed by the window of the cafe and I saw his uniform said Kildare County Council Community Warden. I asked the guy in the cafe if there was paid parking to be sure and he said definitely no. A woman on the cafe overheard and said he had been checking Tax and NCT discs and obviously the car across the road wasn't up to date on one/either of them. I've never heard of the council checking discs like this before, has anyone ever seen the council doing this anywhere else, or is it just a Kildare County Council thing?