Can't Find A Job After 11 Months. Extremely Desperate, Will Do Anything
Maybe this is not the place to go to look for opportunity but I've tried everything and I'm so close to ending it all. I got laid off from my corporate job with a Fortune 500 company 11 months ago after only working there for 3 months, after previously getting laid off from my previous corporate job of two years. For the past almost year now I've been through the ringer. I've attempted to apply everywhere from jobs in my industry to remote jobs to entry level jobs at Walmart or McDonalds. I've quite literally been rejected everywhere after thousands of applications submitted. Only interviews I have gotten are for scams and commission only jobs. Maybe it's because I've now been let go twice or maybe it's just the job market is really that bad. I graduated with honors from a top 5 public university with a Bachelor of Science in Business Admin. I was promised getting the nice degree and moving across the country to get the big job with the big company would make me super successful, but I've hit complete rock bottom.
The only thing keeping me a float is doing Uber Eats and DoorDash to cover my rent and food and squeak by at the end of the month with nothing left in my checking account. After debt continued to pile up on me, I had to file for bankruptcy. Now my debt is gone, but the bank is officially taking my car this week. The one tool I needed to continue to work 60 hour work weeks is gone now. I've tried getting a loan for another car but no one will touch me with a ten foot pole after the bankruptcy and my income being from depreciating the asset the loan is secured by. At this point I'm really out of options. I have the last bit of money to cover my rent for the month and then I'm going to be out of the streets homeless and honestly don't know if it's worth living to see that.
I don't know if anyone could help my situation or if I'm just here to vent, but I just feel like I've failed at everything. I did exactly what I was told to do to pull myself out of poverty as a kid that grew up with no family or any support, and it somehow got me in a worse place. I am dying to work and will do anything to get my bills covered and keep a roof over my head, but I genuinely don't see any way out at this point