Wudu is too difficult.
It takes me 10-20 mins and I am talking about just the fardh wudu mainly. More towards 20 in fajr because:
- I struggle to say bismillah in my head. I struggle to pronounce ‘bis’ ‘mil’ ‘lah’ all at once have to spell every letter. It always sounds wrong whenever I say it all at once. I don’t know if Allah would accept it if it sounds like Bith mil lah for example or something else. I know its a sunnah but why can’t I say it like a normal person
- I see people do wudu so fast like by the time I wash my face they are done. I don’t understand how people don’t even miss one spot and be so quick
- Does having smaller hands make it slower for me because I feel like I don’t get every single area so I have to wipe multiple times to ensure I get every area.
- I find the fardh parts of wudu are the hardest and take the longest. I don’t understand how water gets over the ENTIRE face from one wash since its from ear to ear and forehead to chin. All of it has to be wet right, because of my slightly smaller than average hands i feel like I have to rub multiple times just to get the water to reach every area, beard etc. it takes like 1-2 minutes for the face.
- the feet take the longest so around 1-2 mins each foot because of the curvature and having to get every single part. I feel because of gravity the other side of the foot is not getting all the water so I have to rub it multiple times and maybe use a shower head to rinse it to ensure its all wet.
I hate that others can just do it in 1-2 mins not even that while I have to suffer and finish it in 10-15 mins. I have missed many jamaat because of this. It feels like mental torture having to rub multiples times just to make sure you get every part.
I have watched so many videos but I still don’t understand how to do it properly and fast. Unfortunately I cant ask my imam because he does not speak english and now I am moving back home tomorrow so I don’t have access to a mosque for a while.
Why can’t I just be normal.