Japan’s food prices are cooked (pun intended)
I paid Seven Eleven a visit this morning for breakfast and had completely forgotten about the rise in rice prices. Got to the onigiri section, saw the price of my go-to Kelp in Soy Sauce (162円入込), thought "fuck that", and turned right around to the bread section, and then realized that bread is not worth the price of admission anymore either. I eventually walked out with nothing.
My latest food shopping bill was a shock to the system. When my wife showed me the receipt, I swear I almost had a heart attack. I know it was one of our bigger shops in recent memory, but it was by far the most we had ever spent on a weekly shop, and it broke my fragile heart.
I know there are means of survival, and we're more than willing to adapt moving forward, but I'm saddened and disappointed that I'll most likely never experience Japan the same way ever again because my wife and I will be forced to change the way we shop, write our shopping lists, cook certain foods, and change our eating habits.
I know that everyone has a different budget to work from and lifestyles vary. For us, since the end of last year, we've been constantly thinking about our wants and needs, and making critical decisions based on what we can afford. This is something we've been forced to consider since the fifty-trillionth time products have inflated since COVID. I know this won't be the last time something gets inflated, but I wish it didn't have to be this way.
My salary won't ever increase, so I just really hope I can get a lucky break whilst job hunting this year. I've never been lucky when it comes to money or careers, but I really hope something good comes from all the hard work I've put in these last few years.
Thank for your time. I look forward to reading your rants, or your direct burns! Either way, I'll meet you down in the comments.