Why am I being rejected even from jobs that are exactly suitable for me?

I applied for a job where they were asking for very specific experience. They were looking for someone who doesn't exist, and I was that person. It's as if I wrote the job description myself. So, I wasn't surprised when they called me for an interview.

I did the interview, which was 30 minutes long, with the hiring manager who spoke for 25 minutes and left me barely 5 minutes to talk before she went to another call. And today I received the rejection email stating that I will not be moving to the next round.

This job search has been painful. I've been searching for a few months and applied to several places, and I only got a few interviews. So, when I get rejected from a job that fits me exactly without even giving me a chance to speak, it's very frustrating. I started asking myself questions like, was it because of my appearance, my way of speaking, or my salary requirements?

Job searching is a frustrating and exhausting thing.

Edit: Some have suggested that maybe the hiring manager had already made up their mind and was just going through the motions with my interview. It's possible, and quite frankly, very disappointing if true.

Edit 2: My cousin, who's a bit out there, mentioned something called reddit.com/r/interviewhammer in passing, in relation to tools used during the interview process. I am not sure what it does, perhaps analyzes the conversation, which sounds invasive and unethical to me.