PLA factions still suck
PLA factions are not only unable to compete with Blufor factions in terms of guns, but their vehicles are too focused on anti-armor, lacks of vehicles support and infantry transport, making it difficult for their infantry, which is mainly on foot also lacks accuracy and firepower, to flexibly respond to complex operations.
Lack of mobility, lack of light armored vehicles to cooperate with infantry and cover logi convoys, and lack of anti-infantry firepower are the biggest shortcomings of PLA factions in the squad in my opinion.
The solution is to add light armored vehicles with turrets similar to BRDM-2, such as ZSL-92B, and ZSL-92A APC equipped with HMG to mainly transport infantry, its more flexible than current ZSL-10APC, as default vehicles equipped in all units.
The infantry need to have QLU-11 sniper grenade as a kit for grenadiers every 2 or 3 squads unlocks 1, as a medium-range anti-infantry weapon in urban operations, and a weapon for long-range fire support from distance, make up for the shortcomings of the QBZ-95 guns and enhance the anti-infantry capabilities of the PLA factions.
ZSL-92 B with ZPT-99 30mm turrent