Add the QJZ-171 to the PLA
The QJZ-171 is a lightweight heavy machine gun chambered in 12.7x108 (same as the DShK). Its weight is similar to the GPMGs of other countries like the FN MAG or M240B at 11.8 kg with its 60 round belt carried in box magazines and is fired from a 6 kg tripod. It is China’s solution for a heavier fire support weapon than all squad level weapons chambered in the intermediate 5.8mm cartridge found in Chinese primary weapons found currently in game.
As for implementation, I envision a tripod that has to be placed down for the weapon to fire from that is then dug up. It would be moved by picking it up and digging it back up, similar to how mines can be withdrawn as well. The gun would also not carry many rounds of 50 cal with each box having only 60 rounds in the belt. I believe two boxes would be fair considering how it is a crew served weapon (like other GPMGs in game) that can also fire when set up but has a lot of weight for one person considering additional ammunition. This would make it an analogue to snipers that can be found uniquely in certain factions such as Canada and would add more variety into the game.
It would be a useful asset for supporting pushes or holding down angles, limited by its ability to reposition. It would have a slower reaction time as it is unable to fire without setting up and can be countered by enemies before then.