K Craps — Is it what I’m experiencing?

Hello everyone, I went to a rave last Sunday (7 days ago) and I took 1 Punisher pill, some MDMA and a bunch of ketamine. At the rave, my friend had this really intense chest pain, more so on the top of the stomach.

I had the same pain a couple days after. Like a strong pressure in my chest, some sort of stomach pain but more like if a muscle was being pulled. Very intense but just for a couple of minutes. And then back again.

I also ran 4min to catch a train today and had this strange pain on my shins. It felt on my muscle, but more so like it was coming even from the bone!

I would like to know, based on your K Cramps experiences, is this that what it is?

And, I would appreciate reading your descriptions on the cramps and areas where you get them. As well as recovery tips :)

Thank you!

PS I’ve also been incredibly bloated! But that could be the amount of pints I drink :/