Stats From The First 24 Hours - Over 500% Funded. Decent Overall Numbers, But Pre-Launch Follower Conversion Not Near What I Was Expecting. Did Launching Later In The Day Really Hurt Me?
Hey guys, just wanted to share some numbers and see what you thought. Okay here we go:
22 hours in - $32K raised (stated goal was $5,000), 300 Backers (I'm using Kickstarter for more of a product launch/release than needing funding for creation)
Pre-Launch Kickstarter Followers - 950 (100 were from a giveaway so more like 850) Don't do giveaways, those people don't convert.
Landing Page Email Sign Ups - 225
Previous Emails Sign Ups from Older Project - 700
Converted Pre-Launch Followers - 96 (so around 11%)
Emails - 64 (7%)
I'd have to do some analysis, but I think the new email sign ups probably converted better than the old (probably an obvious thing).
Total Ad Spend so far (Facebook, Instagram ads) - $2500
Anyway, I'm back and forth on this... on one hand, not a bad start given that I haven't spent much on ads.... on the other hand, that doesn't seem like the greatest conversion rate (and I spent a ton of time building those followers without trying to spend money).
Here's the thing, I kind of bungled the launch in that I wanted to start at 10 am, and ended up launching at 2 pm... does that really matter all that much? It seems like it might of hurt me.
I still have an additional big email list to go through from previous customers (I'm just running out of time and energy here). So still a lot to be done.
But again, was hoping those pre-launch followers would have hit harder out of the gate